- mongo shell
- GUI-Style (some for administration, some for data viewing)
- MongoDB Cloud Manager: deploying and managing MongoDB instanaces with monitoing and backup capabilities
- mongo-express:open source, by node.js and express.js
- Edda : log visualizer, (pip install edda), it takes logs as input and creates a timeline of notable events in the set
- Fluentd: open source log management tool
- HumongouS.io: web-based UI for MongoDB
- mongobird: operations and administration management tool for MongoDB with dashboards, forecast warning, and various graphs.
- mongoCMS: a MongoDB-backed content manager specifically developed to manage rich content applications such as blogs and other web data
- NoSQL Manager for MongoDB: a desktop GUI tool
- NoSQL Viewer:
- JSON Studio: a suite of data access applications enabling easy access to data stored in MongoDB using a high-level interface
- Mongo Management Studio (CE/EE)